Illustrated Botanical Journals, One Spot Left!

Spend a relaxing evening studying and sketching botanicals to create a beautiful illustrated journal. Broaden your understanding of flowers and plants through guided lessons. Explore layouts, record observations and learn terminology. Experiment with graphite, pen and ink, colored pencil and watercolor. Botanical journaling can be a very meditative process that enhances creativity. Incorporating words, descriptions and feelings that arise through the process can make your experience even more personal.
Thursdays, March 27-April 17, 6-9pm
Skill Level:
Adult: All Levels
CAM Member $172 / Not-yet Member $215
Antoinette Vogt

Journal or sketchbook with mixed media paper apx. 8”x10” Examples: Stillman & Birn Beta series mixed media softbound Sketchbook or similar)
Drawing pencils: 2H, H, HB, 2B, 4B
Kneaded eraser (Faber-Castell)
White eraser
Portable pencil sharpener
Fine point markers (waterproof) i.e. Sakura pigma micron pens 005, 01, 02 or 03
Drafting Divider (purchase or I’ll show you how make your own)
Optional supplies to add color: color pencils, watercolor pencils, watercolors

AVogt Botanical 1a