Natural Way To Draw – Value Study

No matter your medium, value range plays an enormous role in describing form. Give your erasers a workout by pushing darkest dark to lightest light and everything in between - using charcoal, ink, and color. The 3-week class invokes Kimon Nicolaides' seminal 1941 text "The Natural Way to Draw". New and returning students encouraged. $25 Model fee
Wednesdays, May 15th - 29th 1:30pm-4:30pm
Skill Level:
Adult: All Levels
CAM Member $132 / Not-yet member $165
Donna Moore

Vine or willow charcoal (soft - at least one dozen sticks)
compressed charcoal (soft)
18x24" newsprint or drawing pad
11x14" (or larger) bristle or mixed media pad (smooth surface)
kneaded eraser (1 large)
block eraser (firm white)
couple bull clips
Any favorite drawing supplies
Assortment student grade pastels
The Natural Way to Draw (1941) Kimon Nicolaides (Free downloadable pdf or book)
$25 model fee (paid to instructor first day of class)
Experimental mediums provided in class