Sketching and Painting Carnivorous Plants

Get up close and personal with these fascinating plants. Our first class begins at the Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden to take photos or do quick sketches of these fascinating plants! Then returning to the CAM to begin sketching. In case of rain the first day photos will be provided with class beginning at the CAM. Contour drawing, shading, breaking down complex shapes into simpler forms, color mixing, creating vibrant hues and layering colors for depth and texture will be explored.
Friday-Sunday, April 25-27, 10am-2pm
Skill Level:
Adult: All Levels
CAM Member $140/ Not-yet member $175
Carolyn Faulkner
Acrylic paints ( Liquitex or Golden)> NO Liquitex Basics paints please. Color list will be sent out 2 weeks before class begins.Acrylic painting brushes, sketch book, HB drawing pencil, kneaded eraser, small canvases (10” x 12”). No canvas board please.
Carnivorous Plants Artwork