Oil Painting II

This class is about refining your painting skills as we get more evolved in color, detail, texture and light.
Tuesdays, February 18- March 25, 1-4pm
Skill Level:
Adult: Intermediate
CAM Member $232 / Not-yet Member $290
Todd Carignan
At least a dozen canvases or boards 8"x10"-12"x16", an assortment of synthetic oil painting brushes (I use Creative Mark Pro White brushes), palette knives for mixing paint and applying paint, palette (I use a white disposable paper palette), Gamsol (or other ODORLESS mineral spirits) in a brush-cleaning tank (I use Silicoil), Titanium White, Permanent Rose, Cadmium Lemon, Pthalo Blue, Sap Green, Ivory Black, any other colors you like, paper towels, smock or apron
Carignan The Blue Milk Can Oil