Oil Painting II
This class is about refining your painting skills as we get more evolved in color, detail, texture and light.
Tuesdays, February 18- March 25, 1-4pm
Skill Level:
Adult: Intermediate
CAM Member $232 / Not-yet Member $290
Todd Carignan
At least a dozen canvases or boards 8"x10"-12"x16", an assortment of synthetic oil painting brushes (I use Creative Mark Pro White brushes), palette knives for mixing paint and applying paint, palette (I use a white disposable paper palette), Gamsol (or other ODORLESS mineral spirits) in a brush-cleaning tank (I use Silicoil), Titanium White, Permanent Rose, Cadmium Lemon, Pthalo Blue, Sap Green, Ivory Black, any other colors you like, paper towels, smock or apron