Architectural Drawing on Location
Focusing on Wilmington’s beautiful architecture, students will develop drawing skills by first understanding perspective then learning how to apply those skills drawing on location. The first class session will meet in the classroom for a lesson on perceiving angles, measuring scale and proportion and accurately representing them on the page. A brief overview of linear perspective will also be covered. Sessions 2-4 will meet on location. Architectural elements, terminology, and style will also be covered.
Tuesdays, April 1-22, 10am-1pm
Skill Level:
Adult: All Levels
CAM Member $172 / Not-yet Member $215
Antoinette Vogt
Pad of drawing or sketch paper (apx 11”x14”) with a sturdy back cover
Drawing pencils: H, HB, 2B
Portable pencil sharpener with cover for pencil shavings
1 White eraser
1 Faber-Castell Kneaded eraser
12” ruler (optional)
Fine point marker i.e. Pigma Micron or similar (apx. .35 mm) optional