Beginning Composition for Painters
As important as value, hue and chroma are to producing a great painting, composition underlies all else. Without a sound design/composition, no amount of value or color can create an effective painting. With effective composition, we can lead the viewers eye through our work, determining how quickly we want the eye to travel, and to create a particular emotion. This class proposes to examine many different compositional formulas to assist the artist in the design of their work.
Thursdays, January 9- February 6, 9am -12pm
Skill Level:
Adult: All Levels
CAM Member $176 / Not-yet Member $220
Sheri Farley
Charcoal artists: charcoal and charcoal pencils, white chalk, kneaded eraser, blending stumps or small makeup sponges.
Oil painters: Cadmium red pale, yellow ochre, Chrome green, Sap Green, ivory black, titanium white and cobalt blue. Small to medium filbert bristle brushes. Odorless mineral spirits in a sealable container. Blue shop paper towels or rags.